What is Kubernetes (k8s)?
Kubernetes is an open-source Container
Management tool that automates container deployment, container scaling,
descaling, and container load balancing (also called a container orchestration
tool). It is written in Golang and has a vast community because it was first
developed by Google and later donated to CNCF (Cloud Native Computing
Foundation). Kubernetes can group ‘n’ number of containers into one logical
unit for managing and deploying them easily. It works brilliantly with all
cloud vendors i.e. public, hybrid, and on-premises.
of Using Kubernetes
Automated deployment and management
3. High
5. Improved
developer productivity
Features of Kubernetes
- Automated Scheduling– Kubernetes provides
an advanced scheduler to launch containers on cluster nodes. It performs
resource optimization.
- Self-Healing Capabilities– It
provides rescheduling, replacing, and restarting the containers that are
- Automated Rollouts and Rollbacks– It
supports rollouts and rollbacks for the desired state of the containerized
- Horizontal Scaling and Load Balancing–
Kubernetes can scale up and scale down the application as per the
- Resource Utilization– Kubernetes provides
resource utilization monitoring and optimization, ensuring containers are
using their resources efficiently.
- Support for multiple clouds and hybrid clouds–
Kubernetes can be deployed on different cloud platforms and run
containerized applications across multiple clouds.
- Extensibility– Kubernetes is very
extensible and can be extended with custom plugins and controllers.
- Community Support- Kubernetes has a
large and active community with frequent updates, bug fixes, and new
features being added.
cases of Kubernetes in real-world scenarios
Following are the some of the use
cases of kubernetes in
real-world scenarios
- E-commerce: You deploy and manage the e-commerce websites by auto
scaling and load balancing you can manage the millions of users and
- Media and entertainment: You can store the static and
dynamic data can deliver it to the across the world without any latency to
the end users.
- Financial services: kubernetes is well suited for
the financial application because of the level of security it is offering.
- Healthcare: You can store the data of patient and take care the
outcomes of the health of patient.
Architecture Overview
follows a master-slave architecture. Here’s a simple explanation:
- Master Node: The master node is the control
plane of Kubernetes. It makes global decisions about the cluster (like
scheduling), and it detects and responds to cluster events (like starting
up a new pod when a deployment’s replicas field is unsatisfied).
- Worker Nodes: Worker nodes are the machines
where your applications run. Each worker node runs at least:
- Kubelet is a process responsible for communication between the Kubernetes Master and the node; it manages the pods and the containers running on a machine.
- A container runtime (like Docker, rkt), is responsible for pulling the container image from a registry, unpacking the container, and running the application.
Master Node (Control Plane) Components
The master
node, also known as the control plane, is responsible for managing the
Kubernetes cluster. It contains several key components:
API Server: The API server (kube-apiserver
is the entry point for all API requests. It processes REST operations,
validates and configures data for API objects, and serves as the hub for all communication
between the components.
Controller Manager: The controller manager (kube-controller-manager
runs controllers that regulate the state of the cluster. Controllers ensure
that the current state matches the desired state (e.g., managing replicas of a
pod, handling node failures).
Scheduler: The scheduler (kube-scheduler
is responsible for assigning newly created pods to nodes based on resource
requirements, constraints, and policies.
etcd: etcd is a distributed key-value store used
to store all the cluster data. It holds the configuration data, state, and
metadata of the cluster.
Cloud Controller Manager: If the cluster is running in a cloud
environment, the cloud controller manager interacts with the cloud provider's
API to manage resources and services.
Worker nodes
are the machines where containerized applications run. Each worker node
contains several critical components:
- Kubelet: The kubelet is an agent that runs on each worker node.
It ensures that containers are running as specified in the pod specifications
and reports the status of the node back to the master.
- Kube-Proxy: The kube-proxy maintains network rules on each node to
allow communication between pods and services. It manages network routing
and load balancing.
- Container Runtime: The container runtime is the software responsible for running containers. Kubernetes supports several runtimes, including Docker, containerd, and CRI-O.
Cluster Components
- Pods: The smallest and simplest Kubernetes object,
a pod represents a single instance of a running process in the cluster.
Pods can contain one or more containers.
- Services: Services provide a stable IP address and DNS
name to access a set of pods. They abstract away the complexity of
networking and load balancing.
- Deployments: Deployments manage the creation and updating
of pods and ensure the desired number of replicas are running.
- ReplicaSets: ReplicaSets ensure that a specified number
of pod replicas are running at any given time.
- Namespaces: Namespaces provide a way to divide cluster
resources between multiple users or teams.
Kubernetes supports various add-ons to enhance functionality and
provide additional services:
· DNS: Kubernetes
provides a built-in DNS service for service discovery within the cluster,
allowing applications to find each other by name.
· Dashboard: The
Kubernetes Dashboard is a web-based UI for managing and visualizing the
· Logging and
Monitoring: Tools like Prometheus for monitoring and Fluentd for logging can
be integrated to provide observability and metrics
Network and
Network: Kubernetes provides a flat network model where all pods can
communicate with each other directly. Networking in Kubernetes involves
concepts like CNI (Container Network Interface) plugins, network policies, and
service discovery.
Storage: Kubernetes supports various storage options including Persistent
Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) to manage storage resources.
Kubernetes CLI Tools
- kubectl: The primary CLI tool for Kubernetes; it
allows managing applications and clusters. With Kubectl, you can inspect
cluster resources, create, update, delete components, and much more.
- Helm: A Kubernetes package manager streamlining
Kubernetes applications’ installation and management. It manages
Kubernetes applications through Helm Charts, which define, install, and
upgrade complex Kubernetes applications.
- Skaffold: A command-line tool that facilitates
continuous development for Kubernetes applications. It automates the
workflow for building, pushing, and deploying applications.
- Customize: A Kubernetes native configuration management
tool allows customized Kubernetes deployments without needing templating
engines. It supports multiple build strategies like strategic merge
patches, JSON 7001 patches, and more.
- Kubeval: A tool to validate your Kubernetes
configuration files, ensuring they are valid and in the correct format. It
can be run locally and in your CI/CD, ensuring configurations are correct
before deployment.
Kubernetes monitoring tools
1. Sematext Monitoring: A real-time monitoring
solution for traditional and microservice-based applications deployed on
Kubernetes, featuring customizable alerts, analytics reports, and dashboards.
It also provides Kubernetes Audit integration and infrastructure mapping.
2. Kubernetes Dashboard: A simple web-based UI
addon for Kubernetes clusters that provides basic metrics related to memory and
CPU usage statistics across nodes and the ability to monitor the health of
3. Prometheus: A popular open-source
tool used to monitor Kubernetes, Prometheus utilizes a powerful
multidimensional data model, a flexible query language (PromQL), and a built-in
real-time alerting mechanism. It follows a pull model for metrics.
4. Grafana: It is commonly used
with Prometheus for monitoring and visualizing metrics. It offers powerful
visualization options for your Kubernetes cluster data.
5. Jaeger: You can trace and monitor
complex microservices–oriented architecture. It helps to troubleshoot
and find bottlenecks in the system.
deployment tools
- Jenkins: Although not explicitly cited in the search result, Jenkins is an
open-source automation tool that provides plugins for building, deploying,
and automating projects. It enables the implementation of a continuous
integration or continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for Kubernetes.
- Spinnaker: It is a multi-cloud continuous delivery
platform that supports deploying to Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, and more. It
supports advanced deployment strategies like canary and blue/green
deployments for higher availability.
- io: A competent Kubernetes CD tool that automates the deployment of
services to Kubernetes. It detects new images, observes image
repositories, updates configurations, and ensures every update gets
correctly deployed to your cluster.
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